Eight Reasons Why Workplace Diversity is Important

One of the biggest workplace challenges most companies face today is workplace diversity. At The 1750 Group Inc./Daniel Houston & Associates we think that if you aren’t diversifying your workforce, you aren’t growing as a company.

As global markets emerge and workforce demographics shift, workplace diversity should not only be a challenge, but a goal to achieve to take your business to greater heights. Workplace diversity should be viewed beyond physical appearances. More importantly, differences should be embraced, celebrated, and seen as success drivers. Here are eight reasons why we say this:

A Greater Range of Organizational Talent

When you diversify your workforce, you obtain access to a greater range of talent. A diverse workforce provides insight into the motivations and needs of clients and customers, who may likewise be from different backgrounds. This increases customer understanding and allows you to deliver the best products and services. In other words, it makes your company more effective, successful, and profitable.

Increased Creativity and Innovation

Undeniably, workplace diversity leads to increased creativity. When you coalesce people from different backgrounds, you benefit from a wide range of experiences and perspectives. Developing teams that see the same thing differently allows for enhanced creativity and a melting pot of fresh ideas. When various perspectives and ideas intersect, it frequently opens doors to innovation.

Further, research studies show that companies with a diverse workforce are 1.7 times more likely to  become innovation leaders in the industry.

Fast Problem Solvers

Companies with a diverse workforce solve problems faster than those with cognitively similar people. Employees from different backgrounds offer countless experiences and views. This, if used strategically, can deliver diverse solutions to the table, thereby solving problems faster.

Fosters Mutual Respect

Whether employees collaborate in teams or groups comprised of colleagues with different work styles and abilities, or who represent diverse cultures, generations, or mindsets, workplace diversity fosters mutual respect; a synergistic work environment becomes the norm. In such an atmosphere, coworkers recognize the many talents and strengths that diversity ushers into the organization and they develop respect for their colleagues’ performance.

Conflict Resolution and Reduction

In a diverse workplace conflicts may occur but where diversity is viewed as a goal and an achievement, those incidents become rare. Given the opportunity, employees learn to acknowledge differences and discover similarities. This promotes cohesiveness around agreed upon quality and production goals. This workplace environment also promotes respect for coworkers, which further lowers the chance of conflicts and provides an easier road to resolving disputes amicably.

Company Reputation Enhancement

Workplace diversity promotes a positive image and builds an excellent company reputation in the  market, thereby attracting more business and talent. Additionally, business reputations flourish when  organizations show their commitment to diversity through aggressive recruitment efforts and outreach.

Undoubtedly, a company known for its fair employment practices, ethics, and appreciation for diversity can attract a larger pool of qualified talent. Another advantage is that it helps to increase customer loyalty among those who choose to work only with businesses that practice social responsibility.

Lowered Employee Turnover

Another reason why workplace diversity is beneficial is that it leads to employee retention. That’s right; organizations with a diverse workforce that understand inclusion and equity typically understand the value of making employees feel valued and accepted. A valued staff reflects higher satisfaction rates and people who prefer to remain over longer periods of time. As a result, organizations with greater workplace diversity have lower turnover rates and reduced costs for recruitment, onboarding, and training. And, with talented leadership and effective management and human resource practices,
compliance and discriminatory issues can be kept at a minimum.

Leads to Employee Development

A global market appeal offers two kinds of opportunities for workers:

✓ Opportunities for promotion
✓ Opportunities for employee development

A diverse and global marketplace opens doors for workers of different ages, ethnic backgrounds, genders, and physical and mental abilities. Leaders and workers have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, backgrounds, and human behavior. It further promotes a learning environment that assists with personal and professional employee development. Studies show that workers prefer to remain employed with companies that promote and invest in professional development.

Changing demographics highlight that workplace diversity is significant and can transform business results and the organizational culture. For example, traditional generation workers learn new processes and technologies from workers who belong to the Millennial generation, while those in Generation X learn and grow from exposure to a go-getter work ethic common to Baby Boomers.

Contact Us Today

If you haven’t diversified your workforce or recognize the need to do so, now is the best time. At The 1750 Group Inc./Daniel Houston & Associates we specialize in diversity and inclusion, and when it comes to initiating and promoting diversity practices, companies prefer to work with us.

Our seasoned consultants offer best practices and proven strategies to enhance workplace diversity and create a culture that values differences. Sit with us to discuss your workplace challenges and goals. We will provide a tailored strategic plan that complements and balances your leadership and employee teams to create a healthy workplace environment. Call us at (704) 750-9670 or email melanie@danhoustonassociates.com.

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